Introducing Pyramidal Productions, a dynamic and innovative film production company co-founded by partners Menkhu Ara and Greg Doby Jr. Together, they are bringing forth a groundbreaking documentary titled "Lead Between The Rhymes," which explores the untold story of Madison Hip-Hop and the remarkable musical accomplishments of artists in Wisconsin. As passionate filmmakers, Menkhu Ara and Doby Jr. have united their talents and shared vision to shed light on the rich and vibrant Hip-Hop culture thriving in Madison. With their extensive experience and profound understanding of the music industry, they are determined to uncover the hidden narratives and celebrate the immense talent within the local Hip-Hop scene.
Through Pyramidal Productions, Menkhu Ara and Greg Doby Jr. strive to push boundaries, challenge norms, and inspire audiences with their thought-provoking and visually stunning films. With their shared passion for storytelling and commitment to excellence, they are poised to make a significant contribution to the world of documentary filmmaking.
The Director: Menkhu Ara Maat
Menkhu Ara's dedication and expertise in the field have garnered recognition, making him the recipient of the prestigious Outstanding Program Achievement Award. His profound impact on Hip-Hop education has been felt throughout the Madison school district, where he has organized transformative youth programs in the majority of its fifty-two schools. Armed with a master's degree in Entertainment and Media Business, Menkhu Ara brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for youth empowerment to the project.
Joining forces with Menkhu Ara as the Producer is Greg Doby Jr., a highly acclaimed RIAA Platinum Certified Music Producer and Media Arts professional. With a degree in Recording Technology and Music Business, Doby's extensive experience spans over twenty-five years, during which he has produced and marketed a multitude of records across various genres.
The Producer: Gregory Doby Jr.
Doby's talents have been sought after by independent and major record companies, including Universal Music Group, G-Unit/Interscope Records, Sony, Warner-Timberlane, Kedar Entertainment, and iMG Recordings. His creative prowess extends beyond music production as he has also owned a successful media and marketing company called Unidec Media. Through Unidec Media, Doby has masterfully crafted visual-media content and executed impactful marketing campaigns for both corporate and local business clients.
Stay tuned and be captivated as Pyramidal Productions and their exceptional team bring "Lead Between The Rhymes" to life, offering a unique and compelling journey into the untold story of Madison Hip-Hop, uncovering the powerful intersection of art, culture, and personal triumphs of the immense talent that has shaped the music scene in Wisconsin.